Tuesday, November 25, 2014

letter to Queen Victoria from Lin Zexu by Samuel tsang

Shek Kip Mei Fire 1953 by Logan

Letters During the Japanese Occupation by Kirra

Diary of Dr.Leonard Horowitz SARS by Mike

<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1ksFX-1XZH0jKk9ZQWHDWFmdnn_xhH0VUOX_e1LR319I/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000" frameborder="0" width="480" height="299" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>

Diary of Joseph Sung by River

Sars newspaper-nickolas 6v 2014

Monday, November 24, 2014

Two letters of a british soldier to his family in great Britain.

Letter by Chris Patten by Gabriel

Diary of Jiang Zemin - Bill

Diary of Lin Ju 1st Opium War

SARS Diary Of Doctor Carlo Urbani By Enoch

Diary Of A British Trader In The First Opium War By Jemaira

Diary of Carlo Urbani by Riley Stock

Handover Diary of a PLA Chinese soldier

Diary of Lola Grumman by Phoebe

Diary of Doctor Carlo Urbani by Rikhil

Carlo Urbani's diary by Navarre Shaikh

Diary of British soldier Jake

History- I am learning to look at historical events from different perspectives

Diary of British Child living in HK during the Japanese Occupation By-Katie

Diary of a British trader by Andy

Diary of Lin Zexu by Taylor

Diary Of The Chinese Opium Smoker By Denise

From The Archives of Chris Patten and Prince Charles

Diary of Dr. Carlo Urbani By Dhruv

Opium War Daoguang emperor's diary by Lauren

Letters During the Japanese Occupation By Noah

Dear Family,                                             December 9th 1941

How are you? Things here aren’t good.
Hong Kong is under siege by the Japanese. They have Jeeps, tanks and planes that are attacking Hong Kong. We dont have any planes because before we could get them off the ground, they were all blown up!

The Japanese base of Operations is in one of the many occupied hotels in Hong Kong. They are sneak attacking at night and we are out numbered and no help is coming. The other Canadian, British and Italian soldiers are very miserable and upset. We don't have enough supplies and we are low on ammunition.

People are scared out of their wits. They barricade themselves inside their homes with furniture, boxes and other heavy pieces of junk.

I miss you all, I wish I was with your right now. I am afraid that I will never see you again.

Love Nick

Dairy Of Dr. Carlo Urbani By Alfonso

SARS Diary By Jan

Tuesday, November 11, 2014